Purchasing property

Financing for your first home

Start your home loan journey

Navigating the world of finance can feel overwhelming, especially when making significant decisions like purchasing your first home, refinancing, or investing in property. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. Engaging a broker can make the process more manageable and help you make informed decisions that will set you up for the future.

Purchasing your first home

Buying your first home is a major milestone and a decision that will impact your future. While the process can be challenging and sometimes seem unachievable, remember that you don’t have to navigate this uncharted territory on your own.
How a broker can help:
  • Guidance through the process: From deciding to purchase to finding the right loan, saving for your deposit, and securing your dream property.
  • Access to lenders and loan options: Brokers can help you find a loan that suits your unique needs and circumstances.
  • Time savings: They handle the research and paperwork, allowing you to focus on what matters most – finding your new home.
  • Expert support: Whether you’re at the beginning of your home-buying journey or ready to make an offer, a broker provides the support and expertise you need.

Refinancing your loan

There are many reasons why a borrower may choose to refinance their loan. Common reasons for refinancing include:
  • Securing a better interest rate
  • Consolidating all debts into one
  • Accessing equity
Refinancing your home
Key considerations

Investing in property

If you’re looking for a stable and secure investment, property can be an option to consider. An investment property has the potential to deliver rental returns and increase in value, depending on market conditions.

Investment growth

Start with a single property and grow this into a full and profitable portfolio with careful management.

Location and demographics

Think tactically about where you will buy and the type of person who generally resides in that area.


Understand the market and the areas where property is most likely to increase in value.

Your budget

Factor in rental returns and ongoing costs for a clear view of your return on investment.
Finder a finance broken in Australia

Did you know?

A finance broker can also assist with finance for personal vehicles or commercial assets? Learn more about asset and commercial finance.

Engaging a broker offers numerous advantages, from expert guidance and time savings to personalised solutions and access to a wide range of lenders. Whether you’re purchasing your first home, refinancing, or investing in property, a broker can provide the support and expertise you need to make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals. MFAA Accredited Brokers are industry leaders and have the knowledge and expertise to secure loans for all kinds of financial situations.

Don’t navigate this journey alone – let a broker help you every step of the way.
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